3 Things To Do Before Traveling To Visit A Legal Dispensary
Since the United States has begun to relax the laws on cannabis, legal dispensaries are popping up in multiple states all over the country where recreational use is legal in the state. If you still live in a state where cannabis is illegal for recreational use, you may desire to plan a trip to another state where you can visit and buy weed in a legal way and use it however you like while you are visiting. There are thousands of people who are doing the same, and traveling to weed-legal states has brought on a whole new niche in tourism. Here is a look at a few things to do before you make a trip to visit a legal cannabis dispensary.
Check out an online dispensary directory site.
Online dispensary directory sites exist specifically to give prospective visitors a list of dispensaries in any given area. It can be super useful to have access to this information if you are planning a cannabis-specific trip because you will know where you will find dispensaries or what areas contain the most legal dispensaries. These websites allow you to narrow down your search according to city, state, and sometimes proximity so you can easily determine which place is going to be the best for you to visit. You can also find contact information, links to dispensary websites, and a general description of each place, and some directories provider visitor reviews as well.
Do your research about out-of-state visitor rights.
It is important to know before you get to a dispensary as an out-of-state buyer what your rights will be. In some states, there are restrictions that outline who can and cannot buy cannabis products at the dispensary, and some places may actually require that you supply an in-state license. Additionally, there can be restrictions on how much product you are allowed to purchase and laws about whether the products you do buy have to be disposed of before you cross surrounding state lines.
Give the dispensary a call to make sure they are open.
Dispensaries can come and go, and it can be terribly disheartening to plan your trip around your visit to a certain dispensary only to find out when you get where you are going that the dispensary has closed down. Before you start making accommodation plans and booking flights, make sure you check to make sure the dispensary you plan to visit is still open.
Contact a company like Cannawayz to learn more.